Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The magic of plants
A pairasight
Secret life of plants p1
Secret life of plants p2
Secret life of plants p3
Secret life of plants p4
Secret life of plants p5
Secret life of plants p6
Secret life of plants p7
Secret life of plants p8
Secret life of plants p9
Secret life of plants p10
Dick McPain & The Neoconservative Agenda
Well, all I can tell ya is, lets stay in the now, and above all not pass judgement on folks like Dick McPain for their appearance. After all, he’s old and been through a lot.
Anyhow, I have to talk about history, because that’s all we can percieve, so I’ll try to to be here and there all at once…zzzZZZ*
Oh, yeh…McCain has supported every hair brained agenda that Cheney told Duhhbya to pursue, and at the same time says that he is a straight talker, while flip flopping over the edges of both sides of the aisle. The man can’t even remember what he is saying from one speech to the other.
Not only that but he has chosen a woman that is smarter than him and, in fact, more of a man than he is. I sure wouldn’t want her as president of this once great country though cause I’m not a hunter of animals for their skin, and I truelly believe that if we have killed one innocent civilian with this dirty little war, that we have killed one too many. Bu$hco admitted that there were no weapons of mass destruction, but thought that it was an honorable thing that he was responsible for Saddams death, and that War was OK because Saddam was a bad man. Now I ain’t sayin Saddam was innocent of killing his countrymen, but I am saying that Bu$h is a liar, and to beware of McCain because he is only running to promote the Neoconservative agenda in the same way that it now exists….G:
Dr. Stephen Sniegoski summarizes the neocon agenda.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The 911 movement is alive and well in New York

Online Journal
By Jerry Mazza
Sep 18, 2008, 00:14
On Thursday, 9/11/08, and the ncy911 Ballot Initiative group joined forces at Ground Zero. Read all about them at the above links. I joined them about 11:30 a.m. for the march and speeches that would begin around noon. The young WeAreChange leader Luke Rudkowski (a force unto himself) and the indefatigable Ballot Initiative leader Les Jamieson were there to kick off events.
If I had apprehensions about the march, they were eased by the people I met. Optimistic, well informed, open, they were ready to face a harassing lunatic fringe and/or provocateurs with a healthy dose of humor or equal edge. Believe it or not, the legion of cops seemed bent on protecting us as well. Perhaps after seven years of listening to 9/11 Truth some had sunk in. Also, WeAreChange’s special fund-raising effort, “First Responders First,” made friends on the blue side as well with firemen and EMTs.
In fact in February, when our beloved President Bush reneged on health care funding, he cut 77 percent of it for 9/11 first responders, from $108 million to $25 million. These were the men he grandstanded with on 9/11, praising them for their courage and service to America. On March 16, Senator Hillary Clinton helped passed the 2009 budget resolution to restore these and other severe cuts to 9/11 healthcare.
Whether or not these resolutions will hold in November after the election is another story. But on this day, “First Responders first” was part of the agenda. In fact, I wrote about their plight in 9/11’s second round of slaughter, a review of Heidi Dehncke-Fisher’s film documentary, Dust to Dust: the health effects of 9/11. It will give you a good idea of what these people are dealing with.
In addition, WeAreChange gathered a greater diversity of participants, black, Latino, Asian, a rainbow of people to march. Also, WeAreChange young people had come from various chapters around the country, and they were gaining international followers as well.
The first person I talked to that morning was a man named John. He held a placard with a photo of his nephew who was lost in the North Tower while on his first job at a brokerage house. John seemed to be in his early 50s, and had come all the way from a Chicago suburb to be here. We started talking about events. I told him I wrote for Online Journal and supplied some pieces of information on 9/11 he hadn’t heard before.
Others overheard and asked questions. There was a man from Houston, Texas, who had brought his 16-year old daughter, her boyfriend, and another friend to experience the events and the March on 9/11. His daughter was interested in journalism and he wanted her to experience this. He wasn’t sure what had happened at Ground Zero but he knew that his America had changed and that we were losing our civil liberties at an alarming rate.
That’s why he and the kids were here. He was an accountant and knew about money and the market and we had a talk about the puts and calls debacle which earned hundreds of millions of dollars for traders who obviously had foreknowledge of what was about to happen on 9/11. He reminded me how Arthur Anderson had walked from the Enron debacle clean.
I pointed out the black-screened Deutsche Bank building where a good share of that trading took place. It was still not razed after seven years. It could not be taken down by internal demolition ironically because of all the pollutants detected in it. It had recently suffered a fire while being disassembled manually. Two firemen died because someone had removed the standpipe and started a fire, consciously or not.
The deconstruction had been done originally by the John Galt Company, a shell company with mob ties, like many of the construction companies now working in the former pit. They seemed to suck up billions while nothing but a partial foundation for “something” stood. My Texas friend just shook his head, and not in disbelief. What amazed him, he said, was the ceaseless greed that had overcome our country, the criminality in high and low places. How the takers never seemed to have enough.
He added that people back home were drilling private oil wells and refining enough crude to sell for less than market prices. The profits being made, even at low-ball prices, left these entrepreneurs with lots of cash. As he described it, they had bought every luxury item they could find, and were running out of places to bury more cash.
This was a problem most Americans would not have these days -- including Lehman Brothers going bankrupt (with nearly 28,000 employees world-wide); and Fannie and Freddy on the Fed dole; and even AIG, looking for a multi-billion dollar bridge loan because it’s portfolio was downgraded with too much collateralized debt paper (not originally stated). As the teenagers joined us, and our new friend John, it was after noon, and we were told we were ready to move out and march.
Strange, melted car, happenings in Pakistan hotel bombing
From the Marriot hotel in Pakistan

MASSIVE EXPLOSION IN MARRIOTT HOTEL PAKISTAN: More than 200 foreigners/guests in hotel including foreign press
from the blog of...
God Like Productions
"It was an underground Micro Nuke. You could see water at the bottom of the crater. It was probably place in and underground sewer or other pipe or buried there long ago.
This is the same scenario as the Bali bombings."
"or in the back of a truck....
you might be on to something..."
"Then there was a flash of light, the truck caught fire and then exploded with an enormous bang"
"Sounds like a nuke....."
A lot of other interesting details as well in this report:
From the parking lot at the World Trade Center

Well, the melted cars set off an alarm for me too. They also look like some of the melted cars seen in Iraq. Looks like the Neocorporatecons might be experimenting with Star Wars Weapons wherever and whenever they want to. There were reports of of this in Lebanon also...G:
Friday, September 19, 2008
The 911 movement is alive and well
The 911 movement is alive, well and kicking in New York and beyond!
Online Journal
By Jerry Mazza
Sep 18, 2008, 00:14
On Thursday, 9/11/08, and the ncy911 Ballot Initiative group joined forces at Ground Zero. Read all about them at the above links. I joined them about 11:30 a.m. for the march and speeches that would begin around noon. The young WeAreChange leader Luke Rudkowski (a force unto himself) and the indefatigable Ballot Initiative leader Les Jamieson were there to kick off events.
If I had apprehensions about the march, they were eased by the people I met. Optimistic, well informed, open, they were ready to face a harassing lunatic fringe and/or provocateurs with a healthy dose of humor or equal edge. Believe it or not, the legion of cops seemed bent on protecting us as well. Perhaps after seven years of listening to 9/11 Truth some had sunk in. Also, WeAreChange’s special fund-raising effort, “First Responders First,” made friends on the blue side as well with firemen and EMTs.
In fact in February, when our beloved President Bush reneged on health care funding, he cut 77 percent of it for 9/11 first responders, from $108 million to $25 million. These were the men he grandstanded with on 9/11, praising them for their courage and service to America. On March 16, Senator Hillary Clinton helped passed the 2009 budget resolution to restore these and other severe cuts to 9/11 healthcare.
Whether or not these resolutions will hold in November after the election is another story. But on this day, “First Responders first” was part of the agenda. In fact, I wrote about their plight in 9/11’s second round of slaughter, a review of Heidi Dehncke-Fisher’s film documentary, Dust to Dust: the health effects of 9/11. It will give you a good idea of what these people are dealing with.
In addition, WeAreChange gathered a greater diversity of participants, black, Latino, Asian, a rainbow of people to march. Also, WeAreChange young people had come from various chapters around the country, and they were gaining international followers as well.
The first person I talked to that morning was a man named John. He held a placard with a photo of his nephew who was lost in the North Tower while on his first job at a brokerage house. John seemed to be in his early 50s, and had come all the way from a Chicago suburb to be here. We started talking about events. I told him I wrote for Online Journal and supplied some pieces of information on 9/11 he hadn’t heard before.
Others overheard and asked questions. There was a man from Houston, Texas, who had brought his 16-year old daughter, her boyfriend, and another friend to experience the events and the March on 9/11. His daughter was interested in journalism and he wanted her to experience this. He wasn’t sure what had happened at Ground Zero but he knew that his America had changed and that we were losing our civil liberties at an alarming rate.
That’s why he and the kids were here. He was an accountant and knew about money and the market and we had a talk about the puts and calls debacle which earned hundreds of millions of dollars for traders who obviously had foreknowledge of what was about to happen on 9/11. He reminded me how Arthur Anderson had walked from the Enron debacle clean.
I pointed out the black-screened Deutsche Bank building where a good share of that trading took place. It was still not razed after seven years. It could not be taken down by internal demolition ironically because of all the pollutants detected in it. It had recently suffered a fire while being disassembled manually. Two firemen died because someone had removed the standpipe and started a fire, consciously or not.
The deconstruction had been done originally by the John Galt Company, a shell company with mob ties, like many of the construction companies now working in the former pit. They seemed to suck up billions while nothing but a partial foundation for “something” stood. My Texas friend just shook his head, and not in disbelief. What amazed him, he said, was the ceaseless greed that had overcome our country, the criminality in high and low places. How the takers never seemed to have enough.
He added that people back home were drilling private oil wells and refining enough crude to sell for less than market prices. The profits being made, even at low-ball prices, left these entrepreneurs with lots of cash. As he described it, they had bought every luxury item they could find, and were running out of places to bury more cash.
This was a problem most Americans would not have these days -- including Lehman Brothers going bankrupt (with nearly 28,000 employees world-wide); and Fannie and Freddy on the Fed dole; and even AIG, looking for a multi-billion dollar bridge loan because it’s portfolio was downgraded with too much collateralized debt paper (not originally stated). As the teenagers joined us, and our new friend John, it was after noon, and we were told we were ready to move out and march.
Online Journal
By Jerry Mazza
Sep 18, 2008, 00:14
On Thursday, 9/11/08, and the ncy911 Ballot Initiative group joined forces at Ground Zero. Read all about them at the above links. I joined them about 11:30 a.m. for the march and speeches that would begin around noon. The young WeAreChange leader Luke Rudkowski (a force unto himself) and the indefatigable Ballot Initiative leader Les Jamieson were there to kick off events.
If I had apprehensions about the march, they were eased by the people I met. Optimistic, well informed, open, they were ready to face a harassing lunatic fringe and/or provocateurs with a healthy dose of humor or equal edge. Believe it or not, the legion of cops seemed bent on protecting us as well. Perhaps after seven years of listening to 9/11 Truth some had sunk in. Also, WeAreChange’s special fund-raising effort, “First Responders First,” made friends on the blue side as well with firemen and EMTs.
In fact in February, when our beloved President Bush reneged on health care funding, he cut 77 percent of it for 9/11 first responders, from $108 million to $25 million. These were the men he grandstanded with on 9/11, praising them for their courage and service to America. On March 16, Senator Hillary Clinton helped passed the 2009 budget resolution to restore these and other severe cuts to 9/11 healthcare.
Whether or not these resolutions will hold in November after the election is another story. But on this day, “First Responders first” was part of the agenda. In fact, I wrote about their plight in 9/11’s second round of slaughter, a review of Heidi Dehncke-Fisher’s film documentary, Dust to Dust: the health effects of 9/11. It will give you a good idea of what these people are dealing with.
In addition, WeAreChange gathered a greater diversity of participants, black, Latino, Asian, a rainbow of people to march. Also, WeAreChange young people had come from various chapters around the country, and they were gaining international followers as well.
The first person I talked to that morning was a man named John. He held a placard with a photo of his nephew who was lost in the North Tower while on his first job at a brokerage house. John seemed to be in his early 50s, and had come all the way from a Chicago suburb to be here. We started talking about events. I told him I wrote for Online Journal and supplied some pieces of information on 9/11 he hadn’t heard before.
Others overheard and asked questions. There was a man from Houston, Texas, who had brought his 16-year old daughter, her boyfriend, and another friend to experience the events and the March on 9/11. His daughter was interested in journalism and he wanted her to experience this. He wasn’t sure what had happened at Ground Zero but he knew that his America had changed and that we were losing our civil liberties at an alarming rate.
That’s why he and the kids were here. He was an accountant and knew about money and the market and we had a talk about the puts and calls debacle which earned hundreds of millions of dollars for traders who obviously had foreknowledge of what was about to happen on 9/11. He reminded me how Arthur Anderson had walked from the Enron debacle clean.
I pointed out the black-screened Deutsche Bank building where a good share of that trading took place. It was still not razed after seven years. It could not be taken down by internal demolition ironically because of all the pollutants detected in it. It had recently suffered a fire while being disassembled manually. Two firemen died because someone had removed the standpipe and started a fire, consciously or not.
The deconstruction had been done originally by the John Galt Company, a shell company with mob ties, like many of the construction companies now working in the former pit. They seemed to suck up billions while nothing but a partial foundation for “something” stood. My Texas friend just shook his head, and not in disbelief. What amazed him, he said, was the ceaseless greed that had overcome our country, the criminality in high and low places. How the takers never seemed to have enough.
He added that people back home were drilling private oil wells and refining enough crude to sell for less than market prices. The profits being made, even at low-ball prices, left these entrepreneurs with lots of cash. As he described it, they had bought every luxury item they could find, and were running out of places to bury more cash.
This was a problem most Americans would not have these days -- including Lehman Brothers going bankrupt (with nearly 28,000 employees world-wide); and Fannie and Freddy on the Fed dole; and even AIG, looking for a multi-billion dollar bridge loan because it’s portfolio was downgraded with too much collateralized debt paper (not originally stated). As the teenagers joined us, and our new friend John, it was after noon, and we were told we were ready to move out and march.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Medical Toxicology ~ Prozac

prozac overdose
Medical Toxicology
Page 845,M1
Page 845
Friday, September 12, 2008

Election Defence Alliance investigations co-Coordinator John Brakey arrested
While monitoring a handcount of ballots from the September 3rd Arizona primary, in his capacity as an official election observer for the Democratic and Libertarian parties, EDA Investigations Co-Coordinator John Brakey was arrested and ejected from the Pima County election headquarters on orders of Pima County Elections Director Brad Nelson.
Brakey had noticed that several of the incoming bags containing ballots from the precincts had unsecured or missing seals. The seal failures appeared to be the result of pollworkers not knowing how to properly lock them.
Brakey then wondered whether the serial numbers on the bag seals matched the serial numbers recorded by the precinct pollworkers when they sealed the ballots. One question led to another, and Brakey ended up in handcuffs.
Monday, September 8, 2008
The NIST Report is not Believable

NIST WTC 7 Report: Shameful, Embarrassing And Completely Flawed
NIST Claims "New Phenomenon" Occurred For First Time Ever In Collapse Of WTC 7
Yet fails to address why ground zero workers and media outlets had prior knowledge of an "extraordinary event" never before observed an hour in advance, plus myriad of other ignored issues
Paul Joseph Watson
Propaganda Matrix
Friday, August 22, 2008
In its final report on the collapse of WTC 7 that news outlets are reporting "puts 9/11 conspiracy theories to bed," NIST claims that the never before observed "new phenomenon" of "thermal expansion" was to blame for the destruction of the building, a completely ludicrous conclusion in a report that simply ignores eyewitness testimony and hard evidence that points to the deliberate demolition of the structure.
NIST completely fails to address prior knowledge of the building's collapse, including why news outlets like the BBC and CNN reported that the building had collapsed an hour before it actually fell, as well as firefighters on the scene who are heard on video saying, "Keep your eye on that building, it'll be coming down soon."
If the collapse of WTC 7 came as a result of a "new phenomenon" and an "extraordinary event" that had never happened before in the history of building collapses, then why did news stations and ground zero workers know it was about to happen a hour or more in advance?
This on its own completely destroys the very foundation of NIST's assertion that a "new phenomenon" was responsible for the collapse.
Which is the more likely scenario - that ground zero officials and media outlets got word that the building was going to be "pulled" - or that they employed clairvoyant powers of deduction that enabled them to foresee an event that had never happened before in history to a building that was structurally reinforced and had suffered limited fires?
NIST claims that the collapse of Building 7 is "The first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building".
We are actually being asked to believe the impossible - that WTC 7 was the only building in history to have defied all precedent and suffered a complete and almost instantaneous collapse from fire damage alone, despite this being an impossibility if one accepts the basic laws of physics as accurate.
The issue of molten metal, which was discovered under both the twin towers and WTC 7, suggesting an extremely hot burning agent was used in the demolition process, is completely ignored in NIST's report, despite it being acknowledged in Appendix C of FEMA's World Trade Center Building Performance Study, which stated:
Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure. A liquid eutectic mixture containing primarily iron, oxygen, and sulfur formed during this hot corrosion attack on the steel... The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified.
Speaking during a press conference that was called to counter NIST, Richard Gage, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and a member of the American Institute of Architects, dismissed the report.
"Tons of [molten metal] was found 21 days after the attack," said Gage in an interview with a Vancouver, Canada television station. "Steel doesn't begin to melt until 2,700 degrees, which is much hotter than what these fires could have caused."
Here are some links to Melted Metal, fused concrete, and mysterious things about the WTC disaster in general...
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