Monday, January 31, 2011
Break Time
It was high time for a break from CNN and the media spin that has been generated all over the planet so... I gotta say, flipping the channel to OPB was a real, Oh Yeah, kind of moment...transported to a time of artistic expression and the freedom to do so.
it was the entire performance of the 1991 Rolling Stones
"At the Max" concert. I feel better now.,,G:
Friday, January 28, 2011
A senior review of Sarah Palin's book Going Rogue
Well, My signifigant other bought me a copy of Going Rogue,so I guess I'd better do a critique.
She found it in the Goodwill bins for a buck. I checked on Abebooks, and there were some on there for a buck, but it was three bucks to ship. I noticed that Goodwill was listing quite a few on Abe's also.
Anyways, on with the review, and we'll start with the cover so we can see what she is talking about, er, I should mention Lynn Vincent here because she was the actual writer of the book. Yep, a ghost writer of sorts, kinda like George Duhbya Bush did on his book, A Charge to Keep. I guess Sarah is not much smarter than Duhbya, maybe not even as smart. Duhbya fired Mickey Herkowitz for telling too much truth and hired Karen Hugh's, who later joined his cabinet.
click to enlarge print
In 1991, there are changes in the shareholding of the company - the family sells their interest to Rupert Murdoch. In 1989, the company is acquired by News International, bringing together Collins, Harper & Row, Gower Publishing, Times Books, Bartholomew and Angus & Robertson.
Anyways, back to the review, I'll go to the end of the book. I usually read the end first to see if it looks like an interesting read.
Hmm, that does it for me. I've been through a few sessions with the Jehova Witnesses, and that is what this looks like.
You know, where the Lion lays down with the lamb and all that...sheesh
I feel that I know there is a God too, but She, he, or whatever; is the God of the universe, not the God of Alaska.
maybe I will continue on another day...G%
book review,
Going Rogue,
Harper Collins,
lynn Vincent,
Rupert Murdoch,
sarah Palin,
Monday, January 24, 2011
FreedomWorks on FreedomWatch: A meeting of the minds?
From: wordgeezer | January 23, 2011
I was at the Oregon Tea Party that day and made the video used here, Most of the folks there were concerned with the current administration, and seemed more concerned about what they heard from FreedomWorks and Gland Beck than the real history leading up to our current situation. There were two vans from TV news and a lot of equipment around like there was going to be a large crowd of people, but my estimate would be two or three hundred people at most. The highlight of the event was a speech by a representative from FreedomWorks....zzzzZZZ
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Olberman vs the Corporate Media
Olbermann’s MSNBC Exit Was Weeks in the Making
NY Times January 22, 2011, 2:48 pm
On Thursday, NBC’s news division staged an elaborate presentation for advertisers, seeking to sell commercial time in NBC’s news programs over the next year. All the members of MSNBC’s prime-time lineup spoke at the lunch with one exception: Keith Olbermann, the network’s biggest star.
For the last several weeks, Mr. Olbermann and the network have been in negotiations to end his successful run on MSNBC, according to executives involved in the talks who requested anonymity because the talks were confidential. The deal was completed on Friday, and Mr. Olbermann made the announcement on his final “Countdown” hours later.
And this from the Ass Press
Knowing that the corporate media has absolutely no compunctions, about spinning the truth, the connection concerning the merger of Comcast and NBC can't be ignored, especially when their denial began before the fact. The local paper in this area, I'll name it "The Statesman Journal", consists mostly of articles from the Associated Press, which in my opinion puts it in the catagory of toilet paper. Anyways, it is pretty obvious that Olbermann's story will never see the light of day in the corporate media.
Mad as hell...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
What has become of the Rife Microscope?

Rife Research, Europe
What has become of the
Rife Microscope?
Written by Christopher Bird
New Age Journal, Boston, March 1976, pp 41-47
This article, like an embryo or any living thing, is still growing. A continuation of this growth may depend upon the assistance of NAJ readers, their colleagues and their friends.
Originally I intended to write a short note on what was known about the Rife microscope. Precious little is in print on the subject.
One day, while waiting for some material to come up from the cellar-stacks of the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland, considerably frustrated by the lack of leads and data concerning the demise of the Rife microscope. I wandered by the Subject Card Catalogue and casually flipped at random to a card in the middle of a drawer labeled "Microscopes.."
The card was filed under "Allied Industries" as if that firm were the author. The company's address was stated to be 4246 Pepper Drive, San Diego, California. The title referenced was " History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer and Other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi."
At the bottom of the card was a single line: "Written by Dr. R.R. Rife."
Entirely by accident I had stumbled upon what looked to be only one of a series of reports written by Royal Raymond Rife. Fourteen pages long. it was numbered Dev-1042. It was approved and signed by J.F. Crane, Manager; Don Tully, Development Associate; and Verne Thompson, Chief Electrical Engineer.
Are any of these gentlemen alive today?
Was Allied Industries a research corporation established by Rife?
How many other reports did it publish and where are they?
The report so riveted my attention that I was compelled to explore some of the history of microbiology and its connection to cancer and other disease. The present article, much longer than originally planned, is thus the result of a fortuitous finding - perhaps an example of what Jung has called "synchronicity" - and the consequent preliminary exploration.
Much more needs to be done to tell the story of Rife and his microscope. A fascinating episode in the history of science.
Observations with the Rife Microscope
The Rife Microscopes
History of Alternative Cancer Treatment
The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens
Monday, January 10, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Google buys prime real estate in NY City with Fibre Optic bonus
Google’s $1.9 Billion Chelsea Office Building Sits on a Fiber-Optic Highway
Daily Intel 12/22/10
By: Nitasha Tiku
Back in 2000, Google's New York outpost consisted of one salesperson working out of a Starbucks on 86th Street. Today, the company announced that it closed the deal to buy an eighteen-story office building at 111 Eighth Avenue, otherwise known as Googleplex East, for $1.9 billion, paid in cash. Taxes on the sale will net $7 million for the state and $46,462,500 for New York City, as well as over a billion dollars in profit for the sellers, Jamestown, New York State Common Retirement Fund and Taconic Partners. Bonus backlash, the real estate edition? The 2,000 Google employees (Facebook prefers to think of them as future hires) working in the 550,000-square-foot space the company currently occupies work in both sales and engineering. What justifies this kind of deal in a down economy? Google has plenty of cash to burn, but the appeal probably lies in the fiber-optic cables transmitting high-speed data that lie under the former Port Authority building, primarily the "fiber highway" along Eighth Avenue/Hudson Street and Ninth Avenue that's considered one of the most vital connection points to the world's telecommunications networks. It's the same reason that high-tech companies like Verizon, Sprint, and Level 3 Communications, the company that streams Netflix to your laptop, also have offices in the building — and can probably expect a rent hike from their new landlord.
Speaking of Google News, it seems that Google Maps is now doing a thing where you can follow the numerous incidents of mass animal deaths on a global scale.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Googleplex News: Goldman Sachs IPO's Facebook
NY Times January 3, 2011, 10:22 am Investment Banking
Why Facebook Is Such an Important Friend for Goldman Sachs
Brendan Mcdermid/ReutersGoldman Sachs sent Facebook a friend request, and Facebook accepted.
The news that Goldman has taken a stake in Facebook, the white-hot social networking giant, has tongues wagging from Wall Street to Silicon Valley. As first reported by DealBook, Goldman has invested $450 million in a deal that values Facebook at $50 billion. As part of the deal, Goldman is looking to raise as much as $1.5 billion from its wealthy clients to invest in Facebook alongside the firm.
The move is straight out of Goldman’s playbook. The firm has a long history of “friending” America’s hottest companies and chief executives. By collecting so many important friends, Goldman generates big fees.
The ancillary benefits of buying a stake in Facebook are several. First, it has likely established itself as the leading candidate to win the very lucrative and prestigious assignment of Facebook’s initial public offering, whenever that day comes. Then, of course, there are secondary share offerings, mergers-and-acquisitions business and other banking fees that would inure to Goldman.
.Second, Goldman’s private wealth management clients — handled by the firm’s money management unit for rich families — can boast to their friends on the golf course that they own a pre-I.P.O. stake in Facebook.
There is also the huge paper wealth being accumulated by the Facebook co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg, and his fellow executives that will some day be monetized and have to be managed. Goldman would likely have a leg up there, too.
More of the same
Erich Schmidt,
goldman sachs. Mark Zuckerberg,
Meg Whitman,
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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