Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
John Bolton: "The truth is so important that it should be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies"
The Walrus and The Carpenter
Lewis Carroll
(from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, 1872)
"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."
poem @
wordgeezer Dec. 20, 2010...In these times it requires exceptional and dedicated people, with clarity of vision, to provide guidance in our efforts to reclaim our constitutional rights. Coleen Rowly, ex CIA anlyst sees, through the smoke, what is on the other side of the mirror.
These demonstrations were not reported by the main stream media, as pointed out by , and there is very little coverage to date. The Wikileaks connnection probably adds to their paranoia just like fresh air and light does to the vampires of old.
There were demonstrations across the nation on Dec.16th including...
131 Arrested at Veteran-led Civil Resistance Against Wars Dec. 16
SAN FRANCISCO—Organizers of an anti-war demonstration in front of a federal building in San Francisco say authorities cited 26 protesters on obstruction charge
Lewis Carroll
(from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, 1872)
"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."
poem @
wordgeezer Dec. 20, 2010...In these times it requires exceptional and dedicated people, with clarity of vision, to provide guidance in our efforts to reclaim our constitutional rights. Coleen Rowly, ex CIA anlyst sees, through the smoke, what is on the other side of the mirror.
These demonstrations were not reported by the main stream media, as pointed out by , and there is very little coverage to date. The Wikileaks connnection probably adds to their paranoia just like fresh air and light does to the vampires of old.
There were demonstrations across the nation on Dec.16th including...
131 Arrested at Veteran-led Civil Resistance Against Wars Dec. 16
SAN FRANCISCO—Organizers of an anti-war demonstration in front of a federal building in San Francisco say authorities cited 26 protesters on obstruction charge
Sunday, December 19, 2010
* * * * * *
26 protesters cited during anti-war demonstrations
SAN FRANCISCO-Organizers of an anti-war demonstration in front of a federal building in San Francisco say authorities cited 26 protesters on obstruction charges.
Lee Thorn of Veterans for Peace says Federal Protective Service officials issued the citations after demonstrators laid in front of the San Francisco Federal Building and refused orders to disperse. Thorn says he was among those receiving a citation.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Media blackout: Arrests of War & CIA Vets at White House demonstrations
Coming soon to a theatre near you
Blacked-Out in DC: Pay No Attention to those Veterans Chained to the White House Fence
OpEdNews December 18, 2010 at 11:38:20
By Dave Lindorff (about the author)
There was a black-out and a white-out Thursday and Friday as over a hundred US veterans opposed to US wars in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world, and their civilian supporters, chained and tied themselves to the White House fence during an early snowstorm to say enough is enough.
Washington Police arrested 135 of the protesters, in what is being called the largest mass detention in recent years. Among those arrested were Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst who used to provide the president's daily briefings, Daniel Ellsberg, who released the government's Pentagon Papers during the Nixon administration, and Chris Hedges, former war correspondent for the New York Times .
No major US news media reported on the demonstration or the arrests. It was blacked out of the New York Times , blacked out of the Philadelphia Inquirer , blacked out in the Los Angeles Times , blacked out of the Wall Street Journal , and even blacked out of the capital's local daily, the Washington Post .
slide show courtesy of op-ednews

A google search shows about 280.000 articles on the web, while doing a news search shows only 114 articles.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Real News coverage of senior arrests at White House demonstrations
If you wonder why there is no coverage by the main stream media, try googling, first, the web, then, the news. You will see that there is a lot on the internet, but that the news sources that you are finding don't represent the corporate media, such as Fox, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, etc. They have obviously been instructed not to give this any play because there are some influential people involved, and also because it would draw more attention to the Wikileaks situation.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Ray Mcgovern, Daniel Ellsberg, and other senior demonstrators arrested
The Indypendent
131 Arrested at Veteran-Led Civil Resistance to Wars at the White House
By Ellen Davidson
December 16, 2010
Veterans For Peace board member Elliott Adams chained himself to the White House fence with a bicycle lock Dec. 16. Photo: ELLEN DAVIDSONAfter a 10 a.m. rally in Lafeyette Park featuring Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, retired CIA officer Ray McGovern, Dr. Margaret Flowers of Physicians for a National Health Program, and others, activists formed a solemn single-file process to the White House, silent except for a drum beat. There, they encountered police barricades. Some veterans began climbing over the barricades, until the police opened them up, allowing people to approach the fence in front of the White House.
As the light snow increased to heavy and began accumulating, activists kept warm by singing and chanting. At about 12:30, police began arresting protesters who remained along the fence, while supporters who did not want to risk arrest were moved across the broad street. Some of the demonstrators stood in the snow and freezing temperatures for nearly four hours before being taken to Anacostia processing center and released. They have all since been released. Some have elected to pay a fine, while others, including Ellsberg and McGovern, will go to trial on the charge of disobeying a lawful order.
Video from Huffington Post, who did good coverage of this. A google search showed plenty of web traffic, but very little main stream media,
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
John Bolton re-affirms that lies are an asset to the Neoconservative agenda
wordgeezer, December 07, 2010
One of my favorite Neocons and a member of the PNAC, Bolton was installed as embassador to the United Nations by George Duhbya Bu$h on a recess appointment. Here's an evil doer who wears the title of "Liar" as a badge of honor.
John Robert Bolton (born November 20, 1948) is an American lawyer and diplomat who has served in several Republican presidential administrations. He served as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations from August 2005 until December 2006 on a recess appointment.He resigned in December 2006 when his recess appointment would have ended because he was unable to gain confirmation from the Senate.
Bolton is currently a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Fox News Channel commentator, and of counsel to the law firm Kirkland & Ellis, in their Washington D.C. office. He is also involved with a broad assortment of other conservative think tanks and policy institutes, including the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), Project for the New American Century (PNAC), Institute of East-West Dynamics, National Rifle Association, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, and the Council for National Policy (CNP).
fox news,
john bolton,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Glenn Beck~Garbage In~Garbage Out
Yep, you guesseder Chester, the same corporate entity that owns the US government. Allthough many Teabaggers whine about a left wing media, it is almost non existent. Kieth Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, on MSNBC, are an exception, as we all noted when Kieth was temporarily suspended. He was, of course, re-instated because he is the biggest draw for them. Olbermann does have to walk the line though, and we won't be hearing much about the Predator drones, with sophisticated electronic warfare capabilities, that are wreaking havok in the Middle East, nor much about 911 Truth.
The reporters that are brave enough to tell it like it is, likeMike Malloy, are few and far between and have to fight to get any air coverage at all, while idiots like Glenn Beck are heard in all parts of the country. Malloy's show is currently self-syndicated. Until March 2009 it was syndicated by the Nova M Radio network. Previously, it was syndicated by Air America Radio, but Air America abruptly dropped the show on August 30, 2006. The Mike Malloy Show is currently carried by 13 broadcast stations, mostly on the West Coast, as well as XM satellite radio and Sirius satellite radio. Its broadcast originates from Atlanta, Georgia, though the minimal in-studio staff allows Malloy to broadcast from other locations when he travels. Malloy is the only radio talk show host in America to have received the A.I.R (Achievement in Radio) Award in both Chicago and New York City [2]. Talkers Magazine included Malloy among the their list of "the 250 Most Important Radio Talk Show Hosts in America" but did not name him as one of the Heavy Hundred.
Hat tip
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