Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
NWO & WHO causing a pandamic with H1N1 Vaccine

Here's what I found by accident today, when checking out the KURL8 News in Billings MT.
On Oct. 10th around 300 children were vaccinated for the H1N1 virus. Families lined up at the West High School Gymnasium to get their children the first round of the nasal mist immunization. So looking at an article from 9 days later, on Oct. 19th, the news is that "hundreds of Billings elementary school students called in sick Monday with flu-like symptoms".
School officials said most of the absences are due to the H1N1 virus. Officials also said 10 Billings elementary schools had at least 10% of its students out sick. There are currently no plans to close schools, but officials say they would consider closing and disinfecting schools if the percentage of sick students rises to 40%.
And todays new wasn't much better...Officials say Billings health care providers are seeing a dramatic increase in patients with swine flu symptoms.
I don't know how it's going on in the rest of the world, but if this small town is any indicator at all we could be in real trouble. It doesn't take a doctor to figure out that the vaccine is causing a contagious variety of flu to spread throughout our communities and, from what I can find out,
in addition to the public program, all American military forces will be vaccinated beginning in October.
Some interesting satistics...
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 35 to 50 million Americans come down with the flu during each flu season.The CDC estimates that in the US more than 100,000 people are hospitalized and more more than 20,000 people die from the flu and its complications every year.
According to July WHO statistics, there have been 94,512 H1N1 cases worldwide, and 429 people have died from it. In the United States, 33,902 contracted H1N1, and 170 have died.
The Health Resources Service Administration
claims that "vacine information statements", VIS's must be provided with vaccinations, but these are not currently being provided. There is a federal law pertaining to this, and CDC agrees, and points the clinics and schools to their site, where you finally find this little message done by a typical gubmint debunker, which claims "Vaccine Information Statements (VIS): Myth Exposed!"
CDC Quote:
A newly-licensed vaccine cannot be administered until a VIS is available for it.
The law does not require that a vaccine be withheld if a VIS for it does not yet exist.
When a new vaccine is licensed, CDC creates a VIS for it as quickly as possible. But development of a VIS can be delayed for a number of reasons.
Until a VIS is available for a particular vaccine, a provider may use the manufacturer's package insert, written FAQs, or any other document – or produce their own information sheet – to inform patients about the benefits and risks of that vaccine.
Once a VIS is available it should be used; but providers should not delay use of a vaccine because of the absence of a VIS."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Israel drops 47 in press freedom index

Obama effect in US, while Europe continues to recede
Israel in free fall, Iran at gates of infernal trio
“Press freedom must be defended everywhere in the world with the same energy and the same insistence,” Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Jean-François Julliard said today as his organisation issued its eighth annual world press freedom index.
“It is disturbing to see European democracies such as France, Italy and Slovakia fall steadily in the rankings year after year,” Julliard said. “Europe should be setting an example as regards civil liberties. How can you condemn human rights violations abroad if you do not behave irreproachably at home? The Obama effect, which has enabled the United States to recover 20 places in the index, is not enough to reassure us.”
Reporters Without Borders compiles the index every year on the basis of questionnaires that are completed by hundreds of journalists and media experts around the world. This year’s index reflects press freedom violations that took place between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Scientists Use Precise Flashes of Light to Implant False Memories in Fly Brains
Science News
Friday, October 16, 2009 - 11:35 in Biology & Nature
Neuroscientists have already spent the better part of a decade manipulating animal minds by using light signals to trigger genetically encoded switches. But a new study has now directly reprogrammed flies to fear and avoid certain smells, and all without the usual Pavlovian shock treatments. The technique supposedly permits "writing directly to memory," and allowed one scientist to enthuse about being able to "seize control of the relevant brain circuits" for producing all sorts of mental states and behavior. Researchers have discovered 12 specific brain cells that they can stimulate to implant the false memories of events that never occurred -- except in the mind, of course. This represents just one of the latest steps in the relatively new field of optogenetics, where scientists encode genetic switches inside certain cells and trigger the switches using tailored flashes of light. The genetic switches are made from eye cells...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
9/11 Aerial Photos
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
9/11 Aerial Photos
View more presentations from Joke Channel.
US nuclear dealings with UAE are under the radar
With just five days left in office, George Duhbya Bu$h signed a nuclear deal with the United Arab Emirates which lies directly across the historical Straights of Hormuz from Iran. Seems that this would be a grave dis-service to our new administration, but, Once More, it is painfully evident that the Corporate Government is still running the show...
May 20th, 2009 - 9:40 pm EST By Sindh Today
Washington, May 21 (DPA) US President Barack Obama has signed off on an agreement authorising the United States to help the United Arab Emirates (UAE) develop nuclear power, the White House announced Wednesday.
The deal was originally agreed in the final days of former president George W. Bush’s term, but was then left to the Obama administration to decide whether to implement the agreement.
"I have determined that the performance of the agreement will promote, and will not constitute an unreasonable risk to, the common defence and security," Obama said in a statement.
So fast forwarding to the here & now we see
Nuclear Power Industry News
Company Anticipates NASDAQ Listing On or About October 9th, 2009
- By Stephen Heiser -
Thorium Power, Inc. (Mclean, VA), a leading developer of non-proliferative nuclear fuel technology and provider of comprehensive advisory services for civil nuclear energy programs, today announced that the Company's name change to Lightbridge Corporation has been formalized and its ticker symbol will temporarily change from "THPW" to "LTBG" effective at the opening of the market today, September 29th. The Company anticipates a listing on the NASDAQ Capital Market on or about October 9th, when the ticker symbol will become "LTBR."
Seth Grae, CEO for Lightbridge stated, "The name change to Lightbridge is a milestone event for us. We believe that the word 'Lightbridge" better represents who we are, our global product and service offerings, and the evolution of our company."
Lightbridge is a leading provider of nuclear energy consulting services worldwide and is developing next generation nuclear fuel technology that will significantly reduce nuclear waste and the threat of proliferation. The combination of two core businesses puts Lightbridge in a unique position to capitalize on the global nuclear renaissance and growing trend of pursuing cleaner and safer forms of nuclear energy. The Company has an unrivaled depth of talent with a roster of leading experts and advisors that have served in industry and governmental positions for decades.
A brief history of... Thorium Power, Inc. (Mclean, VA)
Development and deployment of fuel for Russian VVER-1000 nuclear reactors
July 28, 2005
Interview by: Alise Coen
Seth Grae, President of the nuclear fuel and development firm, Thorium Power, Inc., has been working with a group of Russian nuclear engineers, physicists and experts on a project to develop and deploy fuel for the Russian VVER-1000 nuclear reactors. Thorium Power, Inc. was founded in 1992 and began working on a cooperative Initiatives for Proliferation Prevent (IPP) grant project with the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow and the Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1993. The IPP project is supported by a "triangular" relationship of institutes: the US national lab contributes technical assistance to the project, the US industry partners adds commercial expertise and cost-sharing, and the Russian institution offers unique technologies or research capacities.
The Project:
By developing and deploying fuel for the Russian VVER-1000 nuclear reactors, the scientists aim to eliminate stockpiles of weapons-grade plutonium and ultimately produce electricity within Russia. VVER is a Russian acronym which stands for "Water modified, Water cooled" Energetic Reactor. The number '1000' indicates that the reactor emits 1,000 megawatts of electricity—enough to power over 1 million homes, according to Grae.
Most of the research and project implementation takes place at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow. Other activities occur at MSZ Electrostal, which is the largest nuclear fuel manufacturing plant in Russia; the Bochvar Institute, a research institute for inorganic materials; and the Siberian Chemical Combine (SKhK), once known as Tomsk-7, located in the closed nuclear city of Seversk. This project has received three grants from the IPP grant program, totaling $1.5 million. The project has also received an additional $4 million from direct US government appropriations.
This project employs 527 former weapons scientists in Russia, of which 160 are full-time researchers. Many of the Russian scientists formerly built and designed nuclear weapons or weapons technologies for the Soviet Union. A significant proportion of the scientists also produced weapons-grade plutonium. Grae added that, prior to being engaged by the IPP project, many of the Russian scientists designed Russian nuclear reactors and, specifically, the cores for those reactors.

George Duhbya Bu$h six days after 911
Visiting the Washington Islamic Center to denounce a spate of anti-Muslim violence as "not the America I know," President Bush said that "Islam is peace." Muslims contribute much to the country, Bush said. "The Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads, and they need to be treated with respect."
Bush appeared at the Islamic Center on September 17 as offenses targeting
Muslims in the US appeared to be fueled by suspicions that Muslim fundamentalists orchestrated the terrorist strikes at the World Trade Center.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Balloon Boy confesses to media connections
I'm on my way to Washington DC to speak out on my opinions on world issues. My apologies for the old flying saucer balloon trick, but It did get me in the spotlight, and like it or not, I am currently more famous than Joe the Plumber, Newt Gingrinch, Sarah Palin, and all the other has beans that have been blathering Neoconservative lies about war, the banking industry, the insurance industry, the military-corpo-media-psy-op- complex, etc. etc.etc. etc.
So like it or not, I have political capitol and main stream media connections that have called me to action and you will be hearing from me on important issues like "Universal Health Care, Corporate Crimes, Accountability for crimes against humanity, Lobbyists, and the the return of Free Enterprise to all of the people all of the time.
Have a good day...( :
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Gunmen, Bombers Hit 5 Sites in Pakistan; 38 Die

Washington Post
By Karin Brulliard
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, October 15, 2009; 10:26 AM
ISLAMABAD, Oct. 15 -- Pakistan came under a deadly, staccato series of attacks Thursday that left at least 38 people dead and raised questions about the ability of the nation's security and intelligence agencies to thwart a rising Islamist insurgency.
The attacks began about 9 a.m. in Lahore, the bustling capital of the Punjabi heartland, with what appeared to be coordinated attacks on police installations. The attacks paralyzed the city, Pakistan's cultural hub, and riveted a nation that has been engulfed in deadly attacks over the past 11 days.

Thu, 15 Oct 2009 02:35:32 GMT
At least four people have been killed in a new US drone attack targeting a house in northwestern Pakistan, a security official says.
An unnamed security official was quoted by AFP on Wednesday as saying that the pre-dawn strike targeted the house of an Afghan refugee in Dandey Darpa Khel in the North Waziristan region near the Afghan border.
Six other people were wounded in the strike, officials said.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Harry Belafonte holds hopes for change in Cuba

Belafonte calls for better US-Cuba relations
Yahoo News
By PAUL HAVEN, Associated Press Writer – Fri Sep 18
HAVANA – American singer Harry Belafonte said on a visit to Cuba on Friday that he was disappointed President Barack Obama has not done more to improve relations with the communist-run island, but that he was hopeful progress would come soon.
"The policy toward Cuba — yes, I like a lot of people am disappointed," the 82-year-old singer known as the King of Calypso said in a brief interview with The Associated Press. "I think Obama opened up large expectations when he hit on the theme of change, without being specific as to what he meant by change."
Belafonte, whose activism dates back to the U.S. civil rights movement, said Obama has been weighed down by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the global economic crisis and health care reform.
"We're waiting to see what does change really mean," he said. "But I'm prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt that the best is yet to come."
Obama has eased travel and financial restrictions on Americans with family members in Cuba, but on Monday reaffirmed the 47-year trade embargo on the island. Some hoped the president would not sign the one-year extension to make a dramatic statement that it was time for a new debate on relations with Cuba.
Belafonte and "Lethal Weapon" actor Danny Glover were in Havana to inaugurate a new center that promotes Caribbean cinema.
Belafonte's international views made headlines in 2006, when he called then-President George W. Bush "the greatest terrorist in the world" during a televised discussion with Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, an outspoken critic of Washington.
Friday, October 9, 2009
American Police Force Ends Bid for Hardin Jail

Story Published: Oct 9, 2009 at 2:49 PM MDT
Story Updated: Oct 9, 2009 at 5:26 PM MDT
BILLINGS - A California company drops its proposal to take over the Hardin jail. The news comes just days before the Montana Attorney General's deadline for American Police Force to hand over critical information concerning the group's previous business ventures.
Attorney General Steve Bullock also demanded the group identify their current owners, which is something that was never revealed to the public.
American Police Force spokeswoman Becky Shay said Friday the deal with Hardin had "gone sour" after press revelations about the criminal past of company founder Michael Hilton. Hilton has a history of fraud and theft going back at least two decades. He signed a contract in September to take over the jail and run local law enforcement but it was never ratified.
KULR-8 News currently has reporters on the scene of a news conference related to the unraveling of the contract between American Police Force and Two Rivers Authority. Stay tuned to the KULR-8 First News at Five, the KULR-8 News at Six and Ten for the latest developments on this story
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Medicare Astroturf Scammers & Robot Phone Calls
I got another one of those robot phone calls today, you know, the kind that you can't talk back to. It was from the The Coalition for Medicare Choices representing an insurance racket called Healthcare Advantage. Being on medicare myself, and just plain curious, I didn't hang upright away, so I was informed that Obama's healthcare plan is cutting funds to these programs and to press 1 to join the coalition. Instead of hanging up I waited to see what would happen, and it repeated the message, leaving me somewhat frustrated that I couldn't at least express my thoughts on the matter. Oh well, I'll get on the tubes and see wazzup.....zzzzzZZZZ*
Oh, so that's what got their underwear hiked up in Cheney country. Check this out...Heehehehehehehehehehehehehe*
Health plan stocks sink as Senate bill gets boost
Oct. 8, 2009, 11:37 a.m. EDT By Laura Mandaro
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of private providers of health-care plans dropped sharply on Thursday. Late Wednesday, the Congressional Budget Office said the Senate Finance Committee's health-care reform legislation will cost $829 billion over 10 years -- lower than President Barack Obama's desired cap of $900 billion -- and reduce the budget deficit.
WellPoint Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!wlp/quotes/nls/wlp (WLP 44.72, -2.94, -6.17%) shares were the biggest decliner on the S&P 500 /quotes/comstock/21z!i1:in\x (SPX 1,066, +8.71, +0.82%) , dropping more than 6%.
UnitedHealth Group Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!unh/quotes/nls/unh (UNH 24.14, -0.92, -3.65%) shares sank 5.2%,
Aetna, Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!aet/quotes/nls/aet (AET 25.75, -1.31, -4.84%) lost 4.5%
and Humana, Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!hum/quotes/nls/hum (HUM 35.98, -1.92, -5.07%) slid 4.3%.
Well, by golly, there must have been a few folks listening to Olbermann last night, not to mention what Congressman Alan Grayson had to say the other day...( :
These corporate crooks have been stirring up the astroturf crowd for sometime now...
Elderly used as front in letter-writing campaign 'Grass-roots' effort looks more like Astroturf
By Ken Johnson
Across Massachusetts, senior citizens are writing letters to newspapers demanding that their representatives in Congress protect a form of health insurance called Medicare Advantage.
At least that's what newspaper editors are supposed to think.
Some of those seniors are unaware that they have sent any such letters to newspapers. Some of them hadn't even heard of Medicare Advantage.
"I did not write a letter to the editor. It's not from me," said Gloria Gosselin, 75, of Lawrence.
Gosselin's name was on one of three strikingly similar letters touting the Medicare Advantage program that were sent to The Eagle-Tribune.
Writers of letters to the editor are routinely contacted by newspapers to make sure letters are legitimate. In this case, they weren't.
All three of the purported authors of the letters said they had no idea their names were being used to advocate for the health insurance program.
The letters were, in fact, composed and sent by the Boston office of a national political consulting firm attempting to create the appearance of a "grass-roots" movement for Medicare Advantage.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Religious Right Wingnuts in the Military

Lawyer sues to end Dallas group's 'threat' prayers
Dallas News
11:42 PM CDT on Sunday, October 4, 2009
By DIANE JENNINGS / The Dallas Morning News
A former military lawyer who served in the Reagan White House and worked for Ross Perot is suing a Dallas-based religious organization in a case that could test the limits of free speech and prayer.
Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said he wants Gordon Klingenschmitt, a former U.S. Navy chaplain, to "stop asking Jesus to plunder my fields ... seize my assets, kill me and my family then wipe away our descendants for 10 generations."
The suit also asks the court to stop the defendants – Klingenschmitt and Jim Ammerman, the founder of the Dallas-based Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches – from "encouraging, soliciting, directing, abetting or attempting to induce others to engage in similar conduct."
Weinstein, 54, said his family has received death threats, had a swastika emblazoned on their home in New Mexico, animal carcasses left on their doorstep and feces thrown at the house.
Weinstein, who is Jewish, said the harassment started several years ago when he began protesting Christian proselytizing at his alma mater, the Air Force Academy. Weinstein started his foundation shortly after that to battle the influence of extremist evangelical Christians in the armed forces.
Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt Guilty Of Disobeying an Order
Navy Chaplain Guilty Of Disobeying an Order
By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 15, 2006
A Navy court decided yesterday to reprimand and dock the pay of an evangelical Protestant chaplain after finding him guilty of disobeying an order by appearing in uniform at a political protest in front of the White House in March.
Gordon James Klingenschmitt is a former naval chaplain who, in Nov. 2008 says, unfortunately, the Secular Coalition for America will eventually get its way. "There is a day coming in the end times when the military will be forced to be atheistic because, in order for the eventual man who is the man of sin -- the Anti-Christ -- as it is describe in the Bible, for him to come to power and to stamp out Christianity around the globe, he's going to need a good strong atheist military," he contends. "That is the first step toward Armageddon, and I'm concerned about that. And I pray that President (elect) Obama is not foolish enough to lead us down that road."
Here's a little more "religious right wingnut" history
Well, needless to mention, religion and politics don't mix. If the religious leaders want to have anything to say about the war, they should trade in their robe for a pair of jack boots and get out there on the front lines, like the old days in Europe where the pope rode out in front of the army...G:
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