How our search for the "shadow government" turned into an espionage investigation
City Paper... March 14–21, 2002
By Howard Altman
photo: christina felice
In the shadow of the Shadow governmenet: Main Street in Waynesboro
Mr. Fantastic is giving me an ultimatum.
"The deadline for your first offer is Sunday by 5 p.m.," the man writes in an e-mail, username mrfantastic_76 , on Sat., March 9. "That is when I get my other offer. They made an offer but not to my likings. So be inventive. I will deliver, and you will not have to pay until I deliver and you are happy with what you have, but not until we have a set price…"
The missive from Mr. Fantastic is the latest in a series of correspondence in which the sender is trying to negotiate a deal.
But this is not for antique bric-a-brac found on eBay or his Aunt Martha’s coin collection.
Mr. Fantastic, who also goes by the name of "Mike Thomas," is trying to sell me pictures from inside one of the government’s most secure facilities. Saturday afternoon he is informing me that there is a bidding war going on and that I’d better ante up.
The rest of the story

Site R - Raven Rock
This offers information on a hardened US military communications facility, Site R (Raven Rock) Alternate Joint Communications Center (AJCC), located beneath Raven Rock mountain, near Waynesboro, PA, reported to be the bunker used by Vice President Cheney during the months after 9/11.
Site R is the Alternate Joint Communications Center (AJCC) located in Raven Rock mountain [hence the name Site R] just over the Pennsylvania State Line near Waynesboro, Pa. The DISA Site-R Computer Operations staff provides computer services to the NCA, the Joint Staff, the OSD and other DoD agencies through Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs). The facility functions as the disaster recovery site for the JSSC's GMC and DISA GCC. The various service [Army, Navy and Air Force] Emergency Operations Centers (AFEOC) are also located at Site R. Support is provided 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The facility's Operations Center, DCS Technical Control Facility, the Northeast Dial Service Assistance Center and Information Center provide planning, installation, operation, and maintenance of over 38 communications systems (switching, transmission, data distribution, visual information, and power generation) that support the various customers of the Alternate Joint Communications Center Site R.
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