Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Jeffrey Smith's message to the March Against Monsanto 2014


The Institute for Responsible Technology

Published on May 22, 2014

Jeffrey Smith reports in from the front lines in Maui County where the SHAKA Movement is helping to mobilize the county's first ever citizen's ballot initiative. 17,000 registered voters have already signed a petition to put on the ballot in November a temporary moratorium on open field GMO and Pesticide experimentation and seed production until a public health impacts study shows Monsanto's and DOW's GMO crops and the pesticide cocktails they are spaying here are safe for the residents who are exposed to pesticide drift, wind borne fugitive dust and field run off in heavy tropical rains.

Hawaii's climate affords three to four growing cycles per year and it's a primary source for GMO Corn Seed that Monsanto distributes worldwide, as well it's a significant open field testing ground for new GMO's and pesticides.

The citizens here are particularly alarmed with recent revelations that Monsanto is spraying pesticides in combinations that have not been tested or approved.

Until recent public actions all across Hawaii publicly highlighted regulatory deficiencies, the EPA had but one single inspector charged with overseeing pesticide abuse in the entire state.

The Institute for Responsible Technology....  web site

Millions March Against Monsanto 




 Published on May 26, 2013 

 The World Is Awakening! No To GMOs! Millions spoke up in protests and rallies in over 50 countries and over 400 cities across the world on this historical day, May 25th, 2013! #ThisIsJustTheBeginning #MarchAgainstMonsanto

Conversations w/ Great Minds - Jeffrey Smith GMOs - Seeds of Deception P1