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A coleague just resently recieved this in the mail from the future CEO of this company. We're excited about moving forward on this and anticipate putting food on the table on a global basis. and as far as promotion goes, all options will be on the table.
When the times get tough, the Oregonians get tougher. This is a sure candidate for a small business loan because it will involve the defense industries that are already in place in the Middle East. They should be able to supply plenty of camel meat with Monsanto's help. With the genes of rabbits, and a little genetic engineering, there should be plenty of Dromedaries to go around. Monsanto is probably already working on some drought and radiation resistant strains of wadi brush to feed them.
This is our call, fellow Oregonians. We can form cottage industries in all aspects of this unique food production, from the field to the final market. We will need experts in processing, packaging, advertizing, and delivery of the products. Shouldn't take long to get this off the ground, with all the rain lately, we might still get in a crop of rice. There will be more on this after our first board meeting. We will also, no doubt, need some executives ...G: