Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Secretary Gates: I will sit on McChrystal’s report until its appropriate
Yeh right, sit on it, a document that was leaked over a week ago. What in the world is Gates talking about. Even John McPain says he knows what is in the memo. If this true, that Obama is out of the loop, this country is in way more trouble than I imagined, and sometimes I have some really negative concepts.
Gen. McChrystal gets a rare chance to speak with the commander-in-chief
Washington Examiner
By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
09/29/09 4:12 PM EDT
On "60 Minutes" Sunday, General Stanley McChrystal, the top American commander in Afghanistan, revealed that he had spoken only once with President Obama in the last 70 days, even as the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating and the White House is considering an increase in American troops. Now, it looks like McChrystal will have another chance to speak, although not one-on-one, with the president tomorrow, when McChrystal will be part of the national security team meeting on Afghanistan. (The general will participate by videoconference from Afghanistan.)
At today's briefing, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs fended off criticism that Obama should speak more often to his top officer in such a critical conflict. "The president receives a memo every week from Gen. McChrystal, as he does from Gen. Odierno [the top U.S. officer in Iraq], an update on how things are going in Afghanistan or Iraq, respectively," Gibbs explained. "As well as each of those memos, the president meets…regularly with the chain of command."
Still, a few reporters were curious why Obama and McChrystal have not had more contact. "Is there a reason why the president hasn't actually spoken with Gen. McChrystal, except for the one time, since June?" Gibbs was asked. "President Bush obviously spoke with his commanders every week."
"I think the president has -- receives tremendous input from the commanders on the ground," said Gibbs, "receives input from regional commanders like Gen. Petreaus at Central; talks and meets weekly with, as I said the chair of the Joint Chiefs, or the vice chair, if Adm. Mullen is traveling; and meets weekly with the head of that chain of command, Secretary Gates, often."
"How does the president view Gen. McChrystal at this point?" a reporter asked. "Arguably, the general put him in a political box."
"No, the president is intent on getting the decision that has to be made right, focusing our effort and our resources on ensuring that we have the best strategy possible," Gibbs answered. "Understand…the president signed off on putting Gen. McChrystal where he is."
"Does he regret it?"
"No, not at all."
The revelation that the president has met only once with McChrystal brought the White House under a new wave of criticism this week. Critics asked how Obama has time to go to Denmark to pitch for the Olympics, or to play golf regularly, or to appear on the David Letterman show, and not have time to talk to his top general in Afghanistan. The White House points to the new round of meetings as evidence that Obama is deeply involved in the issue.
Hardin MT: American Police Force hires Billings Gazette reporter
By Sarah Gravlee
Story Published: Sep 29, 2009 at 7:34 PM MDT
Story Updated: Sep 30, 2009 at 6:52 AM MDT
HARDIN - The California-based security company planning to take over the Hardin jail promises to hire dozens of local employees. Last week they made their first local hire when they signed former Billings Gazette reporter Becky Shay as their director of public relations.
Shay still needs a map to get around the 114,000 square foot facility. With 20 years of reporting under her belt, Shay said she's more comfortable with a pen in her hand and topping her to-do list is purchasing new reporter's notebooks.
"I've got printer's ink in my blood," she said.
On Friday, Shay shocked local media when she handed in her resignation at the Billings Gazette and began working for American Police Force. Less than 24 hours after taking the job Shay held her first press conference.
"It was just surreal to stand in front of people I worked with for 9 year instead of standing shoulder to shoulder with them," she said. Shay's previously reported on the Hardin Jail and American Police Force's involvement with the jail. The last story she filed was Thursday night, after she had already been in negotiations with Capt. Michael with APF. Shay's editor said he had no idea she was in talks with the company. So what did it take for her to join the force?
"My terms were: I don't want the moon and the stars, but I'd like to be able to see them from the patio," Shay said. She is earning $60,000 dollars a year, received a signing bonus, a brand new company car and is getting help making the down payment on a new home.
Hat tip to KULR8 News
Saturday, September 19, 2009
AIPAC, Zionist's, The Torah & Orthodox Jews
Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews have refrained to this day from taking any funds from the Zionist regime, whether for their educational institutions, synagogues or other benefits. Obviously, they do not participate in the Zionist elections, whether for the "Knesset" or for the municipality. We do not serve in their army, and we even avoid speaking in the Hebrew language that the Zionists Invented. (incidentally, this is not the holy and true Hebrew language in which the Bible is written.) All this is done because Torah Jewry does not recognize the Zionist regime, which Is against the Torah and against humanity.
True Torah Jews reject Zionism
Contrary to common perception, Jewish anti-Zionism is not restricted exclusively to the well know Jewish anti-Zionist movements such as Satmar and Neturei Karta.
There are in fact many Jewish movements, groups and organizations whose ideology regarding Zionism and the so-called "State of Israel" is that of the unadulterated Torah position that any form of Zionism is heresy and that the existence of the so-called "State of Israel" is illegitimate.
No one has had to create any antagonism between our Torah and Zionism because such antagonism exists by virtue of the essence of Judaism itself, which can never tolerate the heresy of Zionism.
Zionism is wrong from the Torah viewpoint, not because many of its adherents are lax in practice or even anti-religious, but because its fundamental principle conflicts with the Torah.
Unfortunately, due to many undesirable factors, the view of Torah-true Jewry has been concealed from the general public.
We, the staff at are delighted that with the advance in media technology a substantial benefit to researchers, students, and the general public has been made available. We are elated at the advantage which the internet provides for the presentation of and accessibility to a position so widely held yet so deliberately ignored by many a Zionist-inclined medium.
It is our hope that the information presented on this site will be of benefit to all and that we soon merit the peaceful dismantlement of the so-called "State of Israel" and that Jewish-Muslim brotherhood be restored as prior to the arrival of the Zionist scheme on the global scene.
True Torah Jews Protest Against Zionism
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Be careful where you get your seed because it's probably from Monsanto
Saving some cucumber seeds today. These cukes are large for pickling so thought about saving some seeds from these little ones, but don't know if they are heirloom or not. Checked on the innertubes and sure enough found that the chances for them being from Monsanto is about 40%, so will scrap that idea.
I've been saving seeds for quite a while, and learned from my sister to save them on a napkin. Just scoop out the seeds and smear them on a napkin, the more juice the better.
They keep well that way and when you plant them, cut them up into small patches and put them in a pot full of dirt, napkin and all, with about 1/4" soil on top.
This works particularly well for heirloom tomatoes, and the seeds from one tomato yeilds 50 plants or so.
Here's what I found out about the seed situation on cucmbers and most vegetables

For OpedNews: Barbara Peterson - Writer
Monsanto is not only overtly taking over the seed market, but covertly also. Did you know that Seminis, "the largest developer, grower and marketer of fruit and vegetable seeds in the world," is owned by Monsanto? Here is a blurb from the company website:
Seminis sells vegetable seeds in more than 155 countries. In addition to the corporate site, we have 10 regional/country-specific Web sites with useful information about local products and contact information....Seminis' parent company, Monsanto, announced plans to acquire Netherlands-based vegetable seeds company, De Ruiter Seeds.
Seminis Inc
"And We Have the Seeds"
Monsanto Purchases World’s Largest Vegetable Seed Company
“Monsanto Company to Acquire Seminis, Inc., a Leading Vegetable and Fruit Seed Company
Acquisition Expected to Add Near-term Income Growth and Diversity to Monsanto's Seed Portfolio
ST. LOUIS (Jan. 24, 2005) - Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) announced today that it signed a definitive agreement to acquire Seminis, Inc., for $1.4 billion in cash and assumed debt… “
Joe Lieberman proposes national strategy to dispense antibiotics through the postal service

S.1649 Title: A bill to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, to prepare for attacks using weapons of mass destruction, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT]
Some of the effects of the bill will be:
• Require DHS to designate the most dangerous pathogens which have significant potential to be used effectively in a biological attack.
• Require DHS to set new security standards for labs using the most dangerous pathogens, including risk assessments, personnel reliability programs, and staff training.
• Require a national strategy for dispensing antibiotics and other medicines to the public and expand a pilot program for using the Postal Service to dispense them.
• Require communications plans to convey instructions to the public - including whether to evacuate or shelter-in-place - in the critical moments after an attack.
• Support a National Bioforensics Analysis Center to identify the perpetrator of a WMD attack rapidly.
• Provide personal medical kits to emergency responders in order to enable them to respond quickly to a WMD attack without jeopardizing their own safety.
• Require DHS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to provide better terrorism threat and risk assessments to the public.
• Promote citizen and community preparedness for WMD attacks, including by authorizing grants to States.
September 8, 2009
Contact: Sara Lonardo
Lieberman, Collins Seek to Protect U.S. Against Biological and Other Terrorist WMD Attacks
Legislation Responds To Warnings of a WMD Terrorist Attack By 2013
WASHINGTON - As the nation prepares to mark the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent anthrax attacks, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., and Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Me., Tuesday introduced legislation to prevent and prepare for terrorist attacks from biological weapons and other weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
The Weapons of Mass Destruction Prevention and Preparedness Act of 2009 responds to a statement by the Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell in December 2008 and the findings of a Congressionally-mandated WMD commission that a WMD terrorist attack is more likely than not to occur by 2013 and that a biological attack is more likely than a nuclear attack.
"The approaching eighth anniversary of the 9/11 and anthrax attacks reminds us that we cannot let our guard down against the constant threat of terrorists intent on doing us harm," Lieberman said. "This legislation provides a comprehensive framework for protecting the United States from weapons of mass destruction and biological attacks, in particular, which the experts say is more likely than a nuclear attack.
"Our bill would strengthen security at labs using the most dangerous pathogens, improve our capabilities to assess the threat of terrorists acquiring WMD, ensure that citizens get critical safety information, and develop a means for quickly delivering life-saving drugs to areas that have been attacked.
"We dare not bury our heads in the sand and ignore the very real risks we face from a terrorist WMD attack. This legislation would help prevent such an attack and better prepare the nation to respond should one occur."
"As the Commission noted in its comprehensive report, terrorists have been active since the attacks of September 11, 2001. America must not become complacent. Terrorists haven't given up; they haven't gone away. Our enemies remain fixed on their avowed goal of committing mass murder," said Collins. "Nuclear proliferation and advances in biotechnology could give terrorists new means to wreak death and destruction around the world. That is why the Commission's report is a call to action. And this legislation answers that call by proposing aggressive, urgent steps that will help safeguard our nation, particularly against the threat of biological attacks."
More of the same

Relevant stuff
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Israel moves to discredit 'war crimes' report

Times Online
September 16, 2009
Sheera Frenkel in Jerusalem
Israel launched a diplomatic offensive today in an attempt to discredit a damning UN report that accuses it of committing war crimes during the Gaza offensive.
Yigal Palmor, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, said that Israel would “deploy great diplomatic and political efforts on the international stage to block and contain the perverse and noxious effects of the Goldstone Commission report".
He added that the report set a dangerous precedent: “Every time a democracy will want to take measures to defend itself from terror, it will have to take into consideration a wide international legal campaign against its leaders and officials, based on the propaganda of the terrorists.”
Israeli officials have stated that they will not allow an independent inquiry into the military’s conduct in Gaza, so rejecting one of the key recommendations of the report.
Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch:
"Justice Goldstone's reputation for fairness and integrity is unmatched, and his investigation provides the best opportunity to address alleged violations by both Hamas and Israel. What's at stake is not just finding out the truth about what happened in Gaza, but the future of international efforts to hold those who violate international law accountable."
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
"American Police Force" to manage Harding Montana prison

AP ENTERPRISE: Montana jail deal raises questions
The Associated Press
Matthew Brown - Sep 12, 2009
BILLINGS, Mont. — The Two Rivers Detention Center was promoted as the largest economic development project in decades in the small town of Hardin when the jail was built two years ago. But it has been vacant ever since.
KULR 8 video
Did I hear correctly? The spokesman for American Police Force said that they were interested in using the facility as a training center? Makes sense I guess, considering the possibility of ties to Darth Chainey and the shadow government.
City officials have searched from Vermont to Alaska for inmate contracts to fill the jail, only to be turned down at every turn and see the bonds that financed its construction fall into default. They even floated the idea of housing prisoners from Guantanamo Bay at the jail.
So when Hardin officials announced this week that they had signed a deal with a California company to fill the empty jail, it was naturally a cause for celebration. Town officials talked about throwing a party to mark the occasion, their dreams of economic salvation a step closer to being realized.
But questions are emerging over the legitimacy of the company, American Police Force.
Government contract databases show no record of the company. Security industry representatives and federal officials said they had never heard of it. On its Web site, the company lists as its headquarters a building in Washington near the White House that holds "virtual offices." A spokeswoman for the building said American Police Force never completed its application to use the address.
And it's unclear where the company will get the inmates for the jail. Montana says it's not sending inmates to the jail, and neither are federal officials in the state.
An attorney for American Police Force, Maziar Mafi, describes the Santa Ana, Calif., company as a fledgling spin-off of a major security firm founded in 1984. But Mafi declined to name the parent firm or provide details on how the company will finance its jail operations.
"It will gradually be more clear as things go along," said Mafi, a personal injury and medical malpractice lawyer in Santa Ana who was only hired by American Police Force a month ago. "The nature of this entity is private security and for security purposes, as well as for the interest of their clientele, that's why they prefer not to be upfront."
On its elaborate Web site and in interviews with company representatives, American Police Force claims to sell assault rifles and other weapons in Afghanistan on behalf of the U.S. military while providing security, investigative work and other services to clients "in all 50 states and most countries."
The company also boasts to have "rapid response units awaiting our orders worldwide" and that it can field a battalion-sized team of special forces soldiers "within 72 hours."
Representatives of American Police Force said the company presently employs at least 16 and as many as 28 people in the United States and 1,600 contractors worldwide.
Monday, September 14, 2009
NIST Report on WTC7 debunked & exposed
9/11 Truth responds to NIST with HARD FACTS & Evidence! Please copy and re-post! Spread this like virus! Make sure to use different search tags too! NIST process for submitting comments: http://...
9/11 Truth responds to NIST with HARD FACTS & Evidence!
Please copy and re-post! Spread this like virus!
Make sure to use different search tags too!
NIST process for submitting comments:
NIST's public affairs "Fact" sheet:
AE911Truth's letter in response to NIST:
Top Ten Connections between NIST and nano-thermites:
NIST's Interim Report on WTC 7:
Please also look up:
NCSTAR1-9A (WTC7 summary Report)
NCSTAR1-9 (parts 1 and 2 'detailed' analysis)
2009 is the DISCLOSURE YEAR!
Please copy and re-post! Spread this like virus!
Make sure to use different search tags too!
NIST process for submitting comments:
NIST's public affairs "Fact" sheet:
AE911Truth's letter in response to NIST:
Top Ten Connections between NIST and nano-thermites:
NIST's Interim Report on WTC 7:
Please also look up:
NCSTAR1-9A (WTC7 summary Report)
NCSTAR1-9 (parts 1 and 2 'detailed' analysis)
2009 is the DISCLOSURE YEAR!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Big Pharma cashes in on the benefits of Red Wine
Sirtris clearly is aiming at a massive market opportunity: GlaxoSmithKline purchased them in early 2008 ... for $720 million.
Wiki: Resveratrol
Resveratrol (trans-resveratrol) is a phytoalexin produced naturally by several plants when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. Resveratrol has also been produced by chemical synthesis and is sold as a nutritional supplement derived primarily from Japanese knotweed. In mouse and rat experiments, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, blood-sugar-lowering and other beneficial cardiovascular effects of resveratrol have been reported. Most of these results have yet to be replicated in humans. In the only positive human trial, extremely high doses (3–5 g) of resveratrol in a proprietary formulation have been necessary to significantly lower blood sugar. Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes and is a constituent of red wine, but apparently not in sufficient amounts to explain the French paradox. Experiments have shown that resveratrol treatment extended the life of fruit flies, nematode worms and short living fish but it did not increase the life span of mice.
Wiki: The French Paradox
According to FAO data, the average French person consumed 108 grams per day of fat from animal sources in 2002 while the average American consumed only 72. The French eat four times as much butter, 60 percent more cheese and nearly three times as much pork. Although the French consume only slightly more total fat (171 g/d vs 157 g/d), they consume much more saturated fat because Americans consume a much larger proportion of fat in the form of vegetable oil, with most of that being soybean oil. However, according to data from the British Heart foundation, in 1999, rates of death from coronary heart disease among males aged 35–74 years was 115 per 100,000 people in the U.S. but only 83 per 100,000 in France.
News Flash
Be $ure to get your $wine Flu $hots folks. G$K is responding to a pandamic.
The World Health Organization said Friday that 2837 people have been reported as swine flu fatalities, as H1N1 ebbs and flows in various parts of the world, while the worldwide annual death from the regular flu is estimated between 250,000 and 500,000
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Joe Lieberman & Public Health Care
Lieberman is the name and double cross is the game, but this should be no surprise to anyone who has, for the last eight years, watched this whiney little rat bastich stand up for the corporate government while disguised as a Democrat. That he is still in office, tells me that the corporate government still rules and that Obama, like any other POTUS, is the leader of this country in name only.
Holy Joe wouldn't give up his government health care for any thing, with the exception of maybe the excellent health care system of Israel, for which he qualifies.
Israel, in fact, has a superior health plan to the US. So here we are suffering the Health Care Lies of Lieberman while Israel is still collecting billions of dollars in aid. It was all put in place before Barack, (a good friend to Israel) Obama was officially in office.
U.S. official: Obama won't cut military aid to Israel
By DPA 11/03/2009
U.S. President Barack Obama will not cut the billions of dollars in military aid promised to Israel, a senior U.S. administration official said Wednesday.
The $30 billion in aid promised to Israel over the next decade will not be harmed by the world financial crisis, the official told Israel Radio. He spoke on condition of anonymity.
The Obama Administration however expects the next government of Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu to continue peace negotiations with the Palestinians, he said.
Public Health in Israel
Increasing life expectancy
Israel has been a pioneer in the contemporary concept and practice of Public Health and as a result has one of the world’s healthiest populations. The country's success in pursuing effective Public Health policies is reflected in the fact that a nation of immigrants, who have arrived during the past 54 years principally from North Africa, the former Soviet Union and Central Europe, has one of the highest average life expectancies in the world.
This has been accomplished despite the fact that Israel has absorbed Holocaust survivors and a large proportion of immigrants suffering from tuberculosis, malnutrition, heart disease and every type of cancer. At present, 25% of all cancer patients in Israel are newcomers from the former Soviet Union including tens of thousands from parts of the Ukraine and Belorussia who were exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear plant melt-down in 1987.
According to the Ministry of Health yearbook for 2001, the life expectancy for males (76.6) years) was topped only in Japan. Israeli women live longer than men, but do not fare as well in international statistical comparisons
What is public health?
Whereas medicine treats the health needs of an individual, public health (a discipline also known as public medicine or social medicine) deals with the health requirements of society as a whole. In fact, public health was a more popular concept in the 19th century when physicians realized that matters such as sewage amenities, cleanliness and a balanced diet would improve the health of the population . But as sanitary and dietary conditions improved and with such medical. discoveries as penicillin in the 20th century, much less emphaisis was placed on public health.
International community acknowledges importance of public health
Public health returned to the global agenda in 1975 at the WHO meeting in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, in the former Soviet Union. Leading health officials from every country in the world signed a covenant proclaiming that the health of the people and the provision of medical services must be the responsibility of national governments. Only the United States refused to sign the covenant, insisting that individuals rather than their governments must be responsible for the provision of health services for themselves and their families.
Of course most nations simply do not have the necessary resources to offer their citizens adequate health services. Even in developed and relatively affluent countries like Israel, the essential challenge facing public health policy is effective distribution of limited resources.
Israel emphasizes public health
The Zionist Movement in pre-state Israel, which combined the traditional Jewish concern for all people with an emphasis on societal needs, regarded public health as a top social, political and economic priority. By the time Israel declared its independence in 1948, a national health infrastructure was already in place. Mother-and-child care centers (Tipot Halav) administered the necessary vaccinations to new-born babies and advised parents on proper care of infants. Health insurance funds (Kupot Holim) offered day-to-day consultations with doctors and specialists, and insured members for hospitalization.
The National Health Insurance Law
Despite Israel's commitment to providing health services for all of its citizens, by the early 90's some six percent of Israelis were not insured through one of the four existing health funds - Kupat Holim Clalit, Maccabi, Me'uhedet and Le'umit. In 1994, the National Health Insurance Law was enacted and it was implemented the following year, rectifying this situation. Since then, all citizens have their health insurance paid by a tax on income (up to 4.8%) while their employer's portion is collected by the National Insurance Institute, and passed on to the health insurance fund of the individual's choice.
National expenditure
Israel's national expenditure on health is typical for a western country. In 1999, the country spent 8.3% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on health, down from a peak of 8.8% in 1994; the United States spent13.6% of its GDP on health care, Canada 9.5%, Japan 6.9% and the UK 7.6%. Of the Israeli expenditure, 41% was for hospitals and research, 39% for public clinics and preventive medicine and 9% for dental care. Israel spent $1,555 per capita on medicine.
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